Wake Skin Cancer Center, P.A. | Dermatologist | Dermatology logo for print
11640 Northpark Dr. • Suite 200 • Wake Forest, NC 27587
Phone: 919-436-4124 • Fax: 919-439-9645

Referring Physicians

At Wake Skin Cancer Center, we know how important your patient’s well-being is to you. We understand that you want them to get the very best specialized care available in a timely manner. In that regard, we truly appreciate your trust and confidence in referring your patients to our practice.

When you refer your patients to our office, you can count on us to communicate regularly with you to ensure that you maintain comprehensive knowledge of their diagnosis, treatment plan, and progress.

To get started, please send the following items to our office via email or fax. Please send photos at least 2 business days before your patient is scheduled for surgery with us.

Referral Form

If you have your own referral form, you may send that. Alternatively, you can use ours linked below:

Pathology Report

Include all applicable pathology reports.

Body Map

Please help us identify where the skin cancer is located by indicating it on a body map. You may use your own or use the body map linked below.

Photo of Biopsy Site

When referring a patient to us for skin cancer removal, please send photos of the biopsy site. We use these images as a reference to identify the location of the skin cancer. Please identify the affected area with a circle around the lesion in your photos. Visibility is important, so please take photos as close to the biopsy date as possible.